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Nokia upgrades OTN architecture for wholesale services

Jul 02, 2023Jul 02, 2023

These upgrades to Nokia’s 1830 PSS-x solutions include a doubling of switching capacity of up to 48Tbps, new wavelength division multiplexing uplinks based on Nokia’s fifth-generation Photonic Service Engines.

“We are excited to offer advanced capacity scaling and extended service offerings to our 250+ 1830 PSS-x customers, while also enabling new service capabilities across the entire CSP wholesale market," said James Watt, head of optical networks division at Nokia.

"Our new upgrades provide comprehensive options for flexible OTN switch fabric capacity scaling, support higher speed line interfaces, provide new wholesale services and enable hard traffic isolation, all critical features for a composable and future-proof network.”

It also includes expanding the range of wholesale service options with new client interfaces supporting 400GE service transport, and a wide range of hard and soft isolation features for network slicing.

Service providers need to be able to easily scale capacity and support a wide range of existing and emerging protocols, while delivering guaranteed service level performance and security over a shared network infrastructure.

“By using OTN switching, we are able to offer our customers high capacity 400GE DCI services, while also improving our ability to support our classic low capacity services in the future, with new high availability options, increasing the service reliability,” said Jan Flemming Henriksen, head of optics at Global Connect

“OTN and DWDM give us tremendous flexibility to scale networks in-step with our end customer needs for capacity, reliability and application. It allows us to be responsive to our customer’s needs,” added Juan Jose Marfil Marquez, director of IP and optical networks at Telefonica Spain.

OTN uses a digital wrapper to encapsulate time division multiplexing and packet services, providing a robust and efficient transport protocol ensuring hard isolation between different users across a common infrastructure.

This proven optical transport technology helps CSPs scale their networks with more capacity and new service options, while ensuring the ability to meet strict service level agreements demanded by end users.

“Nokia’s OTN architecture and WaveSuite automation tools help us efficiently deliver existing 100Mb links in large numbers, and soon expand that to 400Gb links to meet the rising traffic demand for our fixed-mobile convergent networks, while guaranteeing our customers the level of service they demand with relative ease,” commented Wilfrid Puyo, product manager, Optical transport at Swisscom.

“We see a great opportunity in using OTN as it enriches the value of our already performing photonic network, enabling the support of premium services for wholesale service providers and enterprises, ensuring to our customers high service level performance and security, as well as providing an efficient and scalable way to support TDM service replacement,” said Alberto Maria Langellotti, head of IP, transport & SDN engineering at TIM Italy.